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Kentucky Disability Resource Guide

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Mental Health

MERGE Project

The Merge project will strengthen the existing training framework serving Kentuckians with co-occurring mental health, and intellectual and developmental disabilities (MHIDD). By evolving current training, Merge aims to increase and improve the application of person-centered services and referral systems.
Contact Email:

Mountain Comprehensive Care Center – Community Mental Health Center

Mountain Comprehensive Care Center provides a broad array of services to support individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities to lead fulfilling lives based on their personal needs and desires. Counties served: Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin, and Pike.
Phone Number:
(606) 886-8572; or 24 hours, call: (800) 422-1060

New Vista – Community Mental Health Center

The mission of New Vista is to assist individuals and families in the enhancement of their emotional, mental and physical well-being by providing behavioral health, intellectual & developmental disabilities and substance abuse services. Counties served: Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Estill, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas, Powell, Scott, and Woodford.
Phone Number:
(859) 253-1686; 24-hour crisis line: (800) 928-8000

North Key Community Care – Community Mental Health Center

NorthKey Community Care provides a continuum of care for those needing mental health, substance use disorders and intellectual disability services. With 18 locations throughout Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen and Pendleton Counties, including an inpatient hospital for children, help is nearby.
Phone Number:
(859) 781-5586; 24-hour crisis line: (859) 331-3292, (877) 331-3292

Pathways, Inc. – Community Mental Health Center

Pathways, Inc. serves as a community-based center for mental health care, the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other addictions, and services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Together, these services provide a network to promote the emotional health and well-being of our citizens and communities. Pathways operates more than 50 facilities in a ten-county region and continues to grow.
Phone Number:
(606) 324-1141 or (800) 562-8909

Pennyroyal Center – Community Mental Health Center

Pennyroyal Center is a comprehensive Community Mental Health Center providing services for Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse and Primary Care. Pennyroyal Center has four full service clinics located in Hopkinsville, Madisonville, Greenville and Princeton.
Phone Number:
(270) 886-5163; 24 hour line: (877) 473-7766; or in Christina County: (270) 881-9551

River Valley Behavioral Health – Community Mental Health Center

River Valley Behavioral Health currently host over 21 Kentucky based programs that include in-patient and out-patient services for those with mental health, developmental and intellectual disabilities (DD/ID), alcohol and drug addictions, prevention, recovery, and treatment. For all first appointments and referrals to River Valley Behavioral Health outpatient services, call the numbers listed below.
Phone Number:
(270) 683-4039

Seven Counties Services, Inc. – Community Mental Health Center

Seven Counties Services is the preferred provider of behavioral health care and developmental services in the Louisville KY region. Seven Counties delivers community-based treatment, support and services for persons with severe mental illnesses, children with severe emotional and behavioral disorders, individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities, and adults and adolescents with addiction and substance abuse disorders.
Phone Number:
(502) 589-8600 or Toll Free: (800) 264-8799; 24-Hour Crisis Phone: (800) 221-0446; Children and Youth Crisis Phone: (502) 589-8070 or (800) 432-4510